The Key To A Smile

Smiling Photo of Sherine Azzam

For as long as I can remember, people have consistently told me that I’m always smiling, even during very challenging times in my life.  I acknowledge this outward expression of joy, of which I am unaware most of the time, but for much of my life, I couldn’t quite explain its source.  As I got older and more self-aware, I figured it out.  While there are a combination of forces that contribute to my state of happiness, the greatest of these by far is a deep-seated sense of Gratitude.

Please note that I am not an authority or an expert on the subject of Gratitude; I am merely sharing my own experiences and observations to shed light on what I consider to be an essential ingredient of “exceptional living.”

Gratitude is not a way of thinking, and it’s not something you merely practice; it’s a way of being.  One can’t just be instructed to be thankful; it’s not that simple.  As a matter of fact, I have learned that telling others to count their blessings, to consider all the people that are less fortunate in the world, and to focus on what they have, rather than what they don’t have, is rarely helpful and often comes across as dismissive.

I may not know exactly how to guide others to be grateful, but I do know this: Gratitude does not dismiss life’s challenges; rather, it can coexist alongside our feelings of pain, anger, or despair.  It can help us acknowledge and embrace challenges, and it provides us with the strength to overcome them.  I can say without a doubt that Gratitude has helped get me through hardships, heartaches, fears and frustrations, and it has a tremendous power to heal.

“Gratitude is not a way of thinking, and it’s not something you can practice; it’s a way of being.“

While generating joy and happiness, Gratitude is also extremely motivating.  Some claim that feelings of contentment may result in complacency that cripples progress, but that has not been my experience at all.  When I feel good, I am more motivated and far more energized, leading me to become more productive in all facets of my life.  That’s not all!  Gratitude has the power to motivate us beyond just improving our own lives; it also inspires kindness and generosity towards others.  It can fuel us to become more productive members of our communities and better citizens of the world.  I also wholeheartedly believe that Gratitude helps us maintain optimism and hope for the future. 

Gratitude breeds humility, a virtue that I consider to be among the greatest. This is probably the hardest relationship for me to explain; let’s see how well I can articulate it.  I believe that humility is partially achieved by recognizing that there are greater forces beyond oneself that contribute to one’s joy and good fortune.  These forces, for which one is grateful, may include other people, nature, or a mysterious higher power.

With that said, I thank my family members and friends for their unconditional love and care.  I thank all of my clients for their unwavering trust and loyalty.  I thank every individual whose path crossed mine, no matter how fleetingly it may be, and who inspired me, taught me a lesson, or simply made me laugh.  You may not know it, but you are all equally remembered and celebrated.  Thank you!


My Mother


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